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Accelerated Math has limited evidence of effectiveness for elementary school mathematics. Across five qualifying studies included in this review, the median effect size on independent measures was +0.11. |
Accelerated Math has insufficient evidence of effectiveness for middle and high school mathematics. Across three qualifying studies included in this review, the weighted mean effect size was -0.02. . |
Accelerated Math is a supplementary approach to mathematics instruction that uses computers to assess children’s levels of performance, and then generates individualized assignments appropriate to their needs. Students scan completed assignments into the computer, which gives teachers regular diagnostic reports that they are expected to use to develop targeted interventions. The Accelerated Math curriculum focuses on foundational skills, especially computations, and is intended for use along with other traditional or reform-oriented math programs.
For more on the reviews of Accelerated Math, read the BEE reviews of elementary mathematics and middle and high school mathematics.
For more information on Accelerated Math, visit www.renlearn.com/am/.
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There are no qualifying studies of Accelerated Reader for beginning reading. |
Accelerated Reader has insufficient evidence of effectiveness for upper elementary school reading. The two qualifying studies included in this review showed effect sizes of -0.03 and +0.06. |
Accelerated Reader has limited evidence of effectiveness for middle/high school reading. Across three qualifying studies included in this review, the mean effect size was +0.09. |
Accelerated Reader is a supplemental program that assesses students’ reading levels using a computer, which then prints out suggestions for reading materials at students’ levels. Students read books or other materials and then take tests on the computer to show their comprehension of what they have read. Students can earn recognition or rewards based on the number of tests that they have passed.
For more on the reviews of Accelerated Reader, read the BEE reviews of upper elementary reading and middle and high school reading.
For more information on Accelerated Reader, visit www.renlearn.com/ar/.
For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org.