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Connecting Math Concepts has moderate evidence of effectiveness for elementary school mathematics. The three qualifying studies included in this review showed effect sizes of +0.26, +1.33, and +0.41. |
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There are no qualifying studies of Connecting Math Concepts for middle/high school mathematics. |
Connecting Math Concepts has six guiding principles of effective instruction: 1) key concepts, “big ideas”, are taught that have broad applicability; 2) prerequisite skills are introduced before complex learning; 3) explicit instruction, with specific strategies and rules, is used to teach concepts, 4) guided practice is given to the students in the beginning stages of learning and phased out as students become more competent; 5) each new strategy is woven with other strategies in order to clearly connect different aspects of knowledge; and 6) cumulative review is provided. Teachers follow a detailed manual that gives them specific wording and error correction procedures to use in all lessons.
For more on the review of Connecting Math Concepts, read the BEE review of elementary mathematics.
For more information on Connecting Math Concepts, visit www.sraonline.com.
For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org.