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First Things First (Comprehensive School Reform)

Elementary School

First Things First is not designed for elementary schools.

Middle/High School

First Things First has moderate evidence of effectiveness for middle/high school comprehensive school reform, according to the CSRQ*.

About First Things First

First Things First provides a set of strategies that includes engaging students through strong and consistent adult-student relationships within the school, connecting in-school relationships to a student’s family, and improving the academic instruction within the school to enhance student learning without remediation.

More on this review

For more on the review of First Things First, read the CSRQ review of middle/high school comprehensive school reform. Links to CSRQ reviews are available on the BEE.

More on First Things First

For more information on First Things First, visit www.irre.org/ftf or e-mail [email protected].

* The Comprehensive School Reform Quality Center (CSRQ)
The CSRQ was established at the American Institutes for Research, through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, and operated from 2003 to 2006. The CSRQ sought to provide advice and support to educators and decision-makers in the U.S. in terms of comprehensive school reform models.

The Best Evidence Encyclopedia (BEE)

For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org.

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