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RAILS has limited evidence of effectiveness for beginning reading. The one qualifying study included in this review showed a mean effect size of +0.41. |
RAILS is not designed for upper elementary school reading. |
RAILS is not designed for middle/high school reading. |
RAILS has limited evidence of effectiveness for struggling readers. The one qualifying study included in this review showed an effect size of +0.49. |
RAILS provides children in grades K-2 with a second reading period each day to supplement their 60-90 minute reading and provides teachers with extensive professional development focusing on explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, and vocabulary.
For more on the reviews of RAILS, read the BEE reviews of beginning reading and struggling readers.
For more information on RAILS, e-mail [email protected].
For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org. |