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Comprehensive School Reform / Elementary (CSRQ)

Full Report pdf (5 MB) || Educator's Summary pdf (241 KB)

Review Summary

This CSRQ Center Report on Elementary School CSR Models provides a scientifically based, consumer-friendly review of the effectiveness and quality of 22 widely adopted elementary school comprehensive school reform (CSR) or schoolwide improvement models. Each model is profiled and rated in the following categories:

Category 1: Evidence of positive effects on student achievement.

Category 2: Evidence of positive effects on additional outcomes.

Category 3: Evidence of positive effects on family and community involvement.

Category 4: Evidence of a link between research and model design.

Category 5: Evidence of services and support to schools to enable successful implementation.

The report provides education stakeholders a decision making tool to help them sort through their options regarding the hundreds of elementary school improvement choices available to meet local needs. The reviews are intended to clarify options, not to point to or endorse “best buys” from among the 22 models reviewed. Together, the reviewed models represent a significant portion of the total number of schools implementing elementary school CSR models. Each model serves at minimum 20 elementary schools in a total of at least 3 states, and is available for adoption in almost all states.



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